Abstract:Escalator Region Theory builds a bridge between spatial mobility and intergenerational social mobility. However, when exploring the impact of spatial mobility on intergenerational social mobility, Escalator Region Theory only focuses on the impact of their destinations on the intergenerational social mobility of migrants. On the other hand, Childhood Exposure Effect emphasizes the neighborhood where the children live on their intergenerational social mobility. This study attempts to connect the influence of birthplace and their destinations on the intergenerational social mobility of migrants. Based on the data from Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2010, 2013, and 2015, this study finds that spatial mobility has a significant positive impact on the intergenerational social mobility of migrants in China. Cities with a high level of economic development, large-scale agglomeration economy, and central cities, play the role of escalator regions in China. Besides, being born in central cities and cities with a high level of economic development are also significantly conducive to the intergenerational social mobility of migrants. Moreover, the results show that the characteristics of the birthplace, including the level of economic development, the scale of agglomeration economy, and whether it is a central city, have a significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between the relative characteristics of the destinations and the intergenerational social mobility of migrants, indicating that the characteristics of birthplace will affect the functions of the escalator regions. The findings of this study can make up for the lack of attention of Escalator Region Theory to the space before the mobility of migrants.
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